I have finally completed this painting I started four years ago. It’s humble beginning was a giant flowering cactus I had been inspired by on our tour around Namibia and it was working out to be a good piece. It felt a bit lifeless without birds but I was fascinated with the stunning blossoms the giant cacti would display in the early mornings and it was progressing. Anyway… as we all do… I turned to a well respected friend for some creative criticism 

It got slammed!!
So into storage it went. I took it out several times to use the canvas (it was a perfectly good service to create something new) and every time I came back to it, I just could not bring myself to white it out. So I added a layer, changed something, added some birds, painted them out, put it away, took it out, hung it, admired some things, hated others, layered, altered, added… put it away … it was on going. Layer upon layer upon layer. There was just something to be solved… 4 plus years of this …. and then a month ago the process began again. It had been hanging at the back of the studio and I had ‘another’ light bulb moment… so back onto the easel it went and today I think I have finally completed it. 

There is no profound meaning in this painting and I would like to believe it is a better painting than it would have been four years but it’s also made me guarded on who I share an unfinished piece with. We all have a creative process and we all have inner guidance. Learn to trust yours implicitly and maybe you will save some time 

Please enjoy the details as you swipe.
These are the 8 species of sunbirds you find in the Victoria Falls area in and amongst what is now called the ‘Nicole’ flower.
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